Thursday, October 28, 2010


I am alive! I just let the whole summer go by with out one blog, and we are now well into the fall! What has been going on? WELL, we went to the beach for a week during the summer, spent alot of time at local parks, summer school, and work for me. Josh is doing well, trying to adjust to 1st grade. Unfortunately it is not going as great as we thought it would be, but we are dealing with it! Hunter is growing and learning more and more each day. He moved up to the "big kid" class at day care. He is loving that! We are getting ready to experience some amazing changes in the coming days. In 22 days, my sister is coming home. The boys will have their mom back, which will be good for them. I am trying to find a way to keep life as normal as possible, because I do not want the boys world to turn completely upside down. We are also getting ready to move into a bigger space, to give my sister space. An added bonus would be that I am getting a craft room! YAY for that, it will be my safe haven! I am so excited to have a place to dedicate to my craftiness. OHHHH over the summer I also purchase a Cricut Expression and it is my new love. I have one of the smaller cricuts, but the bigger one is soo nice to have! So This weekend is going to be devoted to packing, homework, and of course halloween! The boys are going as Thomas the train and to follow.

Hope everyone is doing well!